Wednesday, February 23, 2005
From the equally prestigious go-quiz.com:
Nothing is more important to a person than their name. It is a label we are given at birth and therefore can affect our personality as we grow up and become individuals. Name acronyms have been around for a very long time. This generator will take your real name or blog/journal username and tell you what each letter of it means about your personality. Do your own or do one for a friend or girlfriend!
The things you learn about yourself or others in this test may be important!
T | Technological |
A | Altruistic |
U | Unforgettable |
N | Nerdy |
I | Innocent |
A | Appealing |
Not satisfied, I dug deeper:
D | Delightful |
I | Influential |
V | Vain |
A | Awkward |
T | Tough |
A | Adventurous |
U | Unreal |
N | Naughty |
I | Innocent |
A | Accurate |
Still, not satisfied...I continued the quest for the real me:
Q | Quick |
U | Useful |
E | Entertaining |
E | Exhausting |
N | New |
T | Tasty |
A | Amorous |
U | Unforgettable |
N | Naughty |
I | Irresistible |
A | Appealing |
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
I think we've found it! Anything that says I'm "TASTY" is just fine by me. And just in case you weren't aware, I'm also NEW. And USEFUL! Don't forget people, this is highly scientific evidence that I'm supposed to be a Queen. I'm going to have to upgrade from Diva.
It's a good thing I found this. After all, The things you learn about yourself or others in this test may be important!
(I'd like to also note my amusement that the things you learn MAY be important. Maybe not. In any case, you should be prepared...just in case they are important.)
Go ahead. Try it. You know you want to. Post your important results in the comments section. Of course, if the things you learned aren't important, don't bother.
**Ok, I stole that line from Ben and Amy, who stole it from someone else.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Without fail on EVERY birthday, I get my period accompanied by the most painful cramps and topped with a killer cyst on my ovary. More info than you need? Try living it. I'm not talking mild pain, I'm talking gut-wrenching-brings-tears-to-your-eyes pain. I was actually in the hospital one year because of that damn cyst ON MY BIRTHDAY. It's like mother nature's way of saying, "Happy Birthday, Bitch!"
Because of the pain, I was on a steady diet of Exedrin and Ibuphorphin. Because of THAT, I was sick to my stomach most of the weekend. But I ignored my pain and sickness and had a good time anyhow!
Thursday night was supposed to be the first part of the celebration. I was going to a new martini piano bar with Suzanne and our friend Cassandra. I had to cancel because I started feeling sick and I knew martini (although yummy) would not help with my pain. I opted to stay home in bed to be fully rested for Soderfest.
Friday was my actual birthday. (Soderfest lasts at least an entire weekend, if not more) We had a gig in Marblehead. I think the audience had a great time, and we were pretty funny! Chris was there, and we had a lot of cool peeps in the audience. We split the bill with Jim's Big Ego - who were brilliant and hysterical.
After the gig, we went to FANTASY ISLAND! This was the local late-night chinese food hang, and the building couldn't be tackier, I love it. I believe it was the first time in history that I've been in a chinese food restaurant and not able to eat. My stomach was just so messed up, I could only get a little rice down. (Again, more info than needed!) There were about 15 of us there, and I got to wear my tiara. Good times.
Saturday night was the Soderfest Poker Hang. Still feeling ill, but that didn't hold me back from having a fruity cocktail. I was on FIRE that night! I caught so many great cards with birthday luck that night -I should have played the lottery. The buy-in for everyone was $20, and at the end of the night I had $65. We had a nice group too - 8 people including my brother and me. I love poker nights. My place is small, but we always have fun.
Sunday was my mom's birthday and she got on a plane to London, where she is right now. Yes, I'm jealous.
So that's all I have for you. No pics even. Damn. A good time was had by all, and my 33rd year started off with a bang (and $45 extra dollars in my pocket)!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
15 yrs ago I was 18 and graduating from high school.
11 yrs ago, I was 22 and graduating from college.
On Friday 2/18, I'll be 33 yrs old and a grown up. When I was a kid, I used to think my teachers who were in their 30s were OLD. I wonder if my students look at me and think the same thing now? Eh, no matter. Can't change how old I am. Sometimes it's too old and sometimes it's too young, but either way it's me! I'm lucky to have a good life and a lot of love in it.
Speaking of love, I've picked out the puppy that my dad will get for me for my birthday:

Julep is in a rescue shelter in Kentucky and will be brought up to me here in Boston on 2/26. It's a little risky taking a puppy unseen, but I spoke with the foster care woman and she and I had a long conversation about what a great puppy she is. She looks almost exactly like my first dog Puppy, and she has this look about her that says she just wants a good home. I'm SO excited to get her and love her!
Also, for anyone interested, we're (All About Buford) doing a concert ON my birthday!
I'll leave the details below if you'd like to stop by. I've got lots of festivities planned from Thurs-Sunday for Soderfest, so I'll give you the scoop on all the joyous activities next week. Now I have to go find a tiara....
28 Mugford St.
Marblehead, MA
Tickets $12
Split Bill with Jim's Big Ego
Monday, February 14, 2005
It's 12:45am on 2/14/05, and I decided to write my anti-Valentine's Day post now since I'll spend most of the day sulking around tomorrow.
Like a slightly-pathetic fool, I always hope that someone will love me on Valentine's Day and send me a dozen roses and some low-point chocolates so I can feel part of this dreadful day. Ben calls it "SAD": Singles Awareness Day.
But hey, if any of you kids out there are in love, God bless ya. Whoop it up and make some sweet, sweet love. Honest, I'm happy for anyone who's got that in their life. As a matter of fact, Valentine's Day is my parents anniversary. This year is their 35th!! Holy crap. But remember the part where I said make some sweet, sweet love? That does not apply for Chet & Cheryl. They stopped that nonsense 26 yrs ago after Megan, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
In the spirit of love and everyone-gettin-it-on-but-my-parents (and of course, me), I'll recommend something that is sure to set it off during your Valentine's Day:

Chet Baker. He was such a pretty man. Played like he sang and sang like he played - clean, smooth tone, just gorgeous. I promise you that this is one Chet Baker album you want for your collection - all the tracks are great, it's really wonderful. Plus, it will get you laid. I'm pretty sure it says that in liner notes.
So, y'all have a good day whether you're with someone or a lonely bitch like me. Feel the love!

Friday, February 11, 2005
I am like an 8 yr old getting excited for Christmas!!
For a long time now, I've wanted a puppy. I love dogs. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEM! Luckily, unlike cats, I'm not allergic to them.
The problem has been that I live in an apartment that I rent from my parents. My mom was anti-dog in the apartment for a LONG time. My dad, however, also loves dogs so he was all for it. He was always trying to change my mom's mind and SOMEHOW he got her to cave and they decided to get me a puppy for my birthday next week (2/18)! I'll be 33 yrs old and it will be my first time having my own puppy. I'm kind of nervous!
So, I just have to pick out the puppy I want. I went on to Petfinder.com and it looks like I'll be going to check out these pups:

Julep is a female Rat Terrier (Feist)/Beagle mix puppy who is estimated at 5 mths of age (2/8/05). Julep came to a rural KY shelter on 2/5/05 after she was found on a major thoroughfare running through the town. Julep is not going to be a large dog, probably weighing 15-20 lbs at full growth. She is slender built like the Rat Terrier and is black with tan points and a little white on her chest. She has the longer nose of a Rat Terrier but has the ears of a Beagle. She is very sweet and very cute. And best of all, she is extremely well-behaved! If you have been looking for the perfect house companion, Julep could be the one for you!

Annastasia-is a female baby of 7 weeks old as of 2-4-05. She is a Wire Fox Terrior and Shih-tzu and is the sister to Ewok and Ottis. She is very smart and very active little girl who loves to get attention and to play. We estimate that she will be about 15 to 30 pounds when full grown give or take a few pounds. She is being socialized with children and other dogs in her foster home.

Ewok- is a 7 week old ( as of 2-4-05) male who is a Wire Fox Terrior and Shih-tzu mix. He is the brother to Annastasia and Otis. Ewok is the smallest of the 3 and is just so cute and lovable. He is already being brushed and socialized with children and other dogs in his foster home. We estimate that he will be 15 to 30 pounds when full grown give or take a few pounds. We realy think he will be on the small side though but can not say for sure.

Otis - is a male 7 week old (as of 2-4-05) Wire Fox Terrior and Shih-tzu mix. He is the brother to Annatasia and Ewok. He is the sweetest little baby who loves to play and get attention. He is learning to be brushed and socialized with children and other dogs in his foster home.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I want them all!! They are SO adorable. I have to do some research and find out about care, health, temperment, etc of all of them....but I want to cry that I can't have them all. It honestly breaks my heart, but I'm glad I can give at least one of them a home.
I'll keep you all posted and put up pics when I get my new pup. Oh my head, I'm so excited!!!!!
Thursday, February 03, 2005
I've got a bone to pick with proud Americans and their stickered trucks. I can't stand all the stupid little flag stickers, the yellow ribbons (made in CHINA!), and these things:

Now don't get me wrong: I consider myself DAMN lucky to live in this country. Let's be honest, though, I didn't really have anything to do with it. This is where I was born and coming out of the womb was about as much effort as I put into being an American. Well, until I grew up and took an active interest in the politics of this country - which don't necessarily make me all that proud.
I mean, who's the flag sticker for? Do you think we might be confused? "Well gee, Martha, he doesn't have a flag sticker on his truck! Do you think he might be Iraqi??" I just don't really understand what it's supposed to represent. Proof of your citizenship? Proof of your pride? Proof you like stickers?
Now, I know we want to show support for the troops. I don't agree with the war, and I'm not proud of our participation in it. I do support the troops because I think they're all incredibly brave that they put their lives on the line to defend our country. So do I use a sticker or not? Jesus, I have no idea. If I HAD s sticker on my car, it would say THANKFUL TO BE AMERICAN, because I'm lucky enough to have lived a life without any fighting in my backyard. I'm thankful, yes.
"Proud to be American" boggles my mind. You're American by birth...what are you proud of? Being born? I recognize that there are people who chose citizenship here and worked for it, and in that case being proud makes sense to me. Being proud to have served our country - that also makes sense to me (and you have my undying gratitude). In the case of the staggering number of folks who suddenly become proud to be American and slap stickers on their car during a war, I don't know. It just seems like a lot of people jumping on the sticker bandwagon for something that they had no control over. It reminds me of those t-shirts "Proud to be Irish (or insert your heritage here)!" What?? I don't get a choice, dude. I'm from Irish heritage whether I like it or not.
So, I thought I could come up with a whole slew of new stickers that display my pride for things out of my control:

Ok, ok...you get the picture. I just think if we're going to have pride, let's do something to warrant it. Saying you're "Proud to Be American" should mean something more than slapping a sticker on your car and yelling "FUCK THEM ALL! BOMB THE WHOLE COUNTRY!"
Let's show some respect to each other in THIS country too. Let's help each other out. Let's try to become a model society that actually TRULY cares for each other. Let's all work together to find a way to put an end to this ridiculous fighting.
Being kind to your fellow citizens and having tolerance for cultures other than our own...now THAT would make me proud. Doesn't that make more sense and show more pride than cutting me off in your stickered truck, laying on your horn and flipping me off? I mean, after all...I'm an American too.
< ? bostonites # >