Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Without fail on EVERY birthday, I get my period accompanied by the most painful cramps and topped with a killer cyst on my ovary. More info than you need? Try living it. I'm not talking mild pain, I'm talking gut-wrenching-brings-tears-to-your-eyes pain. I was actually in the hospital one year because of that damn cyst ON MY BIRTHDAY. It's like mother nature's way of saying, "Happy Birthday, Bitch!"
Because of the pain, I was on a steady diet of Exedrin and Ibuphorphin. Because of THAT, I was sick to my stomach most of the weekend. But I ignored my pain and sickness and had a good time anyhow!
Thursday night was supposed to be the first part of the celebration. I was going to a new martini piano bar with Suzanne and our friend Cassandra. I had to cancel because I started feeling sick and I knew martini (although yummy) would not help with my pain. I opted to stay home in bed to be fully rested for Soderfest.
Friday was my actual birthday. (Soderfest lasts at least an entire weekend, if not more) We had a gig in Marblehead. I think the audience had a great time, and we were pretty funny! Chris was there, and we had a lot of cool peeps in the audience. We split the bill with Jim's Big Ego - who were brilliant and hysterical.
After the gig, we went to FANTASY ISLAND! This was the local late-night chinese food hang, and the building couldn't be tackier, I love it. I believe it was the first time in history that I've been in a chinese food restaurant and not able to eat. My stomach was just so messed up, I could only get a little rice down. (Again, more info than needed!) There were about 15 of us there, and I got to wear my tiara. Good times.
Saturday night was the Soderfest Poker Hang. Still feeling ill, but that didn't hold me back from having a fruity cocktail. I was on FIRE that night! I caught so many great cards with birthday luck that night -I should have played the lottery. The buy-in for everyone was $20, and at the end of the night I had $65. We had a nice group too - 8 people including my brother and me. I love poker nights. My place is small, but we always have fun.
Sunday was my mom's birthday and she got on a plane to London, where she is right now. Yes, I'm jealous.
So that's all I have for you. No pics even. Damn. A good time was had by all, and my 33rd year started off with a bang (and $45 extra dollars in my pocket)!
< ? bostonites # >