I keep telling people that I don't ever need to be famous, I just want to be able to make a living doing what I love. 95% of that is true, but there is that 5% of me that would also love to be recognized for it. Not the kind of recognition that has toothless men with binoculars outside my home, but the kind that every once in a while has someone recognizing me for being a singer. Ok, totally vain and lame...but there is that small part of me that wants to be glamour queen standing next to Queen Latifah in a "Best Dressed" photo in In Style magazine.
I went to work on Sunday (yes, on Sunday because holidays mess up my payroll schedule) and I noticed a guy sort of lingering around waiting for me to get out of my car. He said, "are you a singer?" I said, "Yes." He said, "Aren't you in All About Buford? You guys sing that song 'Hoochie Mama"! I LOVE that song!" I told him that yes I was and thanked him for liking the song. Then I went on my way feeling all famous.
That had happened to me once before in a Radio Shack. I went to the counter to pay for something and the woman behind the desk said, "Are you a singer? Aren't you Taunia from All About Buford?" Turns out she booked one of the shows we sang at, but was recognition and I'll take it!
Of course, there's always the times that I get recognized for looking like someone else. I get Anna Nicole Smith a LOT. We're both big, we're both blond and that's about it. Oh wait, no...we both had older men for boyfriends. HA!
I just don't see it:

And dear GAWD, somebody shoot me if I ever have blue eyeshadow like that on my face!
Today I got a new one. A man stopped me in the hall and said, "Are you a singer?" I thought I was getting recognized AGAIN until he said, "You know who you look JUST like? Sandy Patti!! I thought you were her! I almost asked you for your autograph!!" I told him he still could.
Now, I knew Sandy Patti was a gospel singer, but I thought she was black so I was a little confused by the comparison. Little did I know she's white, blonde and big. Oh, and did I happen to mention about 20 YEARS OLDER THAN ME?!?!?
The first picture I saw of her I nearly croaked. She seriously looked older than my own mom and I thought that I must have a SERIOUSLY warped perception of my looks if I look that old. I wish I could find that picture now, but I can't. Here's one of her all dolled up. She looks old enough to be my MOM. Actually, she looks more like my mom than my real mom does. Anyhow:

Now clearly, she's a VERY attractive woman, so I'll take that part as a compliment. We do have very similar features....but he said he mistook me for her so I must look WAY the fuck older than I think.
So to recap:
1) Recognition is nice. I want to be a teeny bit famous.
2) Anna Nicole Smith is a Hoochie. I *play* a Hoochie in our song, but I am NOT one.
3) Sandi Patty is beautiful but has at least 20 years on me. Please, please, please people: if you're going to confuse me with someone, at least have them in the same decade as me.
4) Queen Latifah: I'm down with the photo shoot, girl. You just call me. In Style will be flying off the stands.

I love the holidays. The lights, the music, the foooood!
This year the holiday has been difficult for me for a number of reasons. I miss my grandfather and knowing that we won't be celebrating with him this year is tough. I also miss Maddie (our dog), because she's always been part of the unwrapping on Christmas - she always got so excited. I'm also sad just because of the finality of Mr. X and me. I know I shouldn't be sad about, but I am. He's never really been part of my life on the holidays, but I always knew that he loved me and was thinking of me before - and now he's doesn't. It's just sad to not have him love me anymore - just makes me feel lonely.
The thing is, I was wallowing in my self-pity about these things until I realized that I have someone who makes the holiday remarkable again for me: Litah. It's truly amazing watching her grow and watching her personality develop. Christmas is so magical for her - and it makes it magical for me too.
We went out the other night and on our way home, she spotted a house that was amazingly lit. We turned around and went down the street to check it out. This house was decked out from top to bottom, from lawn to backyard, and fences and all. She was in AWE of all the lights and just kept saying how beautiful it was. I sat there thinking that whoever did this must be NUTS and it must have taken forever to do - but then I realized they weren't nuts at all. People kept driving by and even getting out of their cars to look at the lights and I realized that whoever put all that work in did it because of the joy that it brought to others. My neice was proof positive of that. She was amazed and happy and it was magical.
I watch her get excited when she sees Santa, I watch her get excited about lights, and I listen to her sing Christmas carols. She talks about making cookies for Santa and making sure they're chocolate chip - because those are his favorites. All the while, she hasn't once talked about the presents, and we had to practically BEG her to tell us what she wanted. For her it's just about the magic, and that makes me remember that there IS magic all around us. For me, it's in a little redheaded girl who tells me she loves me every time we're together.
So, to you and your loved ones, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. May you see the magic all around you.
Everyone, please wish my palie
a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!!!
I'm SO afraid to mention anything about this here for fear that I will jinx it, but here goes nothin!
We [All About Buford] recently heard from our potential agent-rep about our video and it was good. Very, very good. She wants to submit us to a Northeast region conference that would have us some mini-touring in the college circuit and get the ball rolling for us. With that momentum, we would be submitted to the national conference in September '04 and would likely be working for very good $$ touring around the country at colleges. That works out great for me as I'm looking to add to my bling bling collection:

Whoooooya! Things are not set in stone yet, but look very, very promising. There's still talking to be done within the groups, plans to be made, money to be saved, etc. But the end product is the same: dream come true. I'll be singing and working as a musician professionally and making far more money than I am right now. It's still a little shocking that this may actually happen, but I've busted my ass for a VERY long time and paid my dues. We ALL have in this group - and I think we deserve it.
It also couldn't come at a better time as I feel it is inevitable that I will be fired fairly soon. I know I say that all the time - but I'm pretty certain it's for real now. I've been spoken to quite a bit about my absences, and even the director of HR has inquired about how much time I've taken off. (That's a whole other story about deceit and faux-friendship, but I digress) I think I am very-well liked at work, and my work is good - I'm just not here very much and that leads to problems. I know it, they know it.
What I'm hoping is to wean myself out of here: slowly leave by going to a part-time status, and then leave altogether at some point if they need me to. It would suck to be completely fired, so hopefully we'll be able to work out a mutual agreement. I think that would be possible since we all like each other so much. In fact, I think my boss P is genuinely one of the coolest people I've met. (no, she does not read this and I am not sucking up) I like her a real lot - and if I leave, I would like it to be on good terms.
So this got me thinking about all of the various jobs I've held since being of age to work. It's a pretty amusing list, so I thought I'd let you take a look:
AGE 14: LIBRARY ASSISTANT. This was a really great job for me because all I really did was put books away, and sometimes I'd hide in the aisles and read. I was a book FIEND when I was a kid so I thought the library rocked. The one bad thing was that my boss had THE WORST breath EVER. I mean, this was some serious halitosis. Dental researchers would have had a feild day with that mouth.
AGE 15: I'm pretty certain that I was still underage at this point, but I was hired at Market Basket as a cashier. I HATED that job. You had to stand on your feet for 9 hours in one place. It BLEW. One time when I was working, a guy came through my line (much older - probably in his 50s) and asked me if I wanted to meet him after work and drink tequila with him. I was like, "uh, I'm 15." He said he didn't mind. Cripes. THEN, I got suspended for two weeks because my drawer was short $200. He flat out accused me of stealing the money. The thing was, at the end of the night, the cash drawers were given to the girls in the office to be counted out. (Same age as me, by the way) I'm CERTAIN one of them stole the money. After thinking about it though, if I had STOLEN money from them - all they'd do is suspend me for two weeks? "Uh, yeah. Go away for two weeks, then come back to steal again." $200 was more than I made in two weeks - so I wish I HAD just stolen it. Then I would have at least had two paid weeks off. Jackass manager.
AGE 16: TJ MAXX. I loved working there. I was the Customer Service desk Goddess and I got to do all the schedules and sign off on checks and shit like that. I felt very powerful, but didn't abuse it...I promise. I worked there with all my friends, so they'd bribe me to get the break times they wanted and we would often have antics over the loudspeaker. Good times, there. Good times.
AGE 17: BANK TELLER @ WAKEFIELD CO-OP. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I should NEVER be in charge of other people's money. Actually, I did really well there and got a basic understanding of accounting and bank reconciliation. It was an education to me. There was one girl there who thought she was THE shit, although she wasn't really anything at all. Probably still working there, actually. I worked there with a friend from High School. The funny thing is, years later I met that friend's cousin in college and he became my first love: J. Funny how things work out.
AGE 18: I have NO clue what I did this year. I seriously can't remember. That's kind of scary.
AGE 19: ADMISSIONS OFFICE ASST/ALUMNI OFFICE. This was my first "office" job. I hated it then, and I hate it now. I hated it so much that I couldn't tell you one thing about where I worked or who I worked with. It's almost been completely erased from my memory.
AGE 20: PROPANE STATION ATTENDANT. That's right folks, I filled up propane tanks all day long. I got paid $10 an hour to hang out with my friends in the office, watch TV, write, read, and maybe once or twice a day fill up a tank that usually had a good-lookin' man attached to it. Why the hell did I ever give up that job??
AGE 20: SUB MAKER. Step right up and I'll make you the most gigantic sub you've ever seen! Yessirree boy, I made some kick-ass subs. I worked there with 5 of my friends in college and we had a great time. We eventually had to quit because he couldn't give us enough hours, but we all had a lot of fun there. Plus, we lived just above the sub shop so the commute couldn't have been better!
AGE 20:: TELEMARKETER. It does blow as much as you think it does. I assure you. The only saving grace was that my boyfriend and I worked together and also with my pal Kenny and we would go daily to the Pizza Hut buffet lunch and Dairy Queen to escape the madness.
MMMM. Dairy Queen.
AGE 20/21: NURSING HOME RECEPTIONIST. This place looked like a palace. I remember that I was mostly bored out of my skull there. There was no internet, so I did a lot of homework and reading. Occasionally people would stop by and save me from my lonely existence. Still, I liked my bosses there and they thought I was a great worker.
AGE 21 (or so): AUTO BODY RECEPTIONIST. Talk about OUT-OF-PLACE. I worked with a bunch of grease monkeys (but they were HOT), and my boss was a pompous, bloated windbag. I had to be there at 8am almost every morning and that just didn't work with my schedule, so I didn't show up. Imagine my surprise when I was fired!
AGE 22: VOICE TEACHER. Yeehaw! I was actually doing something with my music education and felt like I was influencing in a positive way. I did that full-time out of college. It was great because I made very good money. I gave that up to move to NYC and lost all of my students. Dumbass!
AGE 23: ADMISSIONS OFFICE/Berklee College of Music. How great is it to be able to take courses, meet famous musicians, and hang with some seriously talented people? It was a great place for me to be. The pay was shit, though, so I had to leave.

SOMETIME IN MY 20'S - IT'S ALL A LITTLE HAZY: I did double duty in the office and teaching at Brookline Music School and Winchester Music School. Both places were FAR too pretentious - way snottier than they had any right to be. At Winchester, I worked with a girl who made every day there a living hell. She was a total bitch who PRETENDED to have diabetes. I mean, what the fuck?? I very distinctly remember one day I put a sign out saying that a class was canceled and then when I left the room, she crossed it out in big red X's and wrote CANCELLED (note the TWO L's). She then proceeded to tell the director (in FRONT of me) that I can't spell to which the director replied: "actually, she's correct. It's spelled both ways." Yeah, I loved that moment.
PRESENT DAY: PAYROLL ACCOUNTANT. When I think about it, it's kind of amazing that I got the job that I have. I had virtually NO payroll experience. I do love where I work right now. I realized that this is my 5th year here. This is the longest I've ever been ANYWHERE (as illustrated by the above). While the job itself gets tedious and boring, I love the people I work with and the perks are really the best. I will actually be sad when it's time for me to leave.
VOICE TEACHER/MUSICIAN: Still kickin' it with the voice students and building a waitlist for next season. My plan is to supplement my tour salary with teaching. We'll do clinics and seminars as a group, but I'm also going to do in-school workshops with chorus' and bands on improvisation and eurythmics. I'll also have a bigger teaching roster and will hopefully fill in with some more studio and voice over work.
It's funny, because we just did a masterclass with a Dorchester classroom the other day. One of the girls was a rapper and she was REALLY good. She asked us if anyone ever tries to put us down for doing what is our dream, because she heard that a lot and all she wanted to do was rap and dance. At the time I said no and that she should always be brave enough to follow her dreams. I said no because I didn't think anyone ever has tried to talk me out of it.
Recently, after talking to some people about the tour possibility, I got a lot of semi-negative feedback. Mostly backhanded "well, what will you do for health insurance" "you won't make enough money" "what about retirement" - all the comments that had that tone of it's not a REAL profession.
After thinking about it, I realized that there always HAVE been people who try to talk what I do down. I didn't realize it because I just never listened...and I never will.
So today I got what I've been wanting for a very, very long time: a day off from everything. No rehearsal, no gig, just a shitload of snow and nowhere to go. Never took a shower, stayed in my jammies all day and washed my sheets. So I'm sitting here now at 6:30 and I'M BORED OUT OF MY FUCKING SKULL. Dude, it's Saturday night and I should be singing somewhere.
I've watched all my new Netflix DVD's and here's my review for ya:

I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED THIS MOVIE! It was so cute. It made me want to be a lesbian! Of course, the only lesbians that have ever made themselves available to me were a 7ft tall black woman with a cane who went by the name "Sweet J" and a completely drunk and stinky woman who slobbered all over me after a gig once. Slim pickin's in the lesbian arena for me. Besides, I'm not a lesbian - no matter how much I want or would try to be, it just ain't gonna happen. Anyhow, I thought the acting was really great, very funny, and although the end isn't what you wanted it to be, but you're still happy with it. So go on out and rent this cute little chick flick.

I was thoroughly unimpressed with this. I think that's the problem with watching after it's gone through so much hoopla: you expect so much and get let down. To be fair, I thought Catherine Zeta Jones was great. Now speaking of lesbians, if I had to choose - she would be it. She is SO beautiful. Anyhow, I thought her performance was perfect - right on the money. I know the show, so I already knew the characters. Her voice doesn't blow you away, but it's very sultry and full-bodied and I just really like it. Plus, she danced her ass off.
Renee Zellwegger, on the other hand, OY. First of all, somebody get that girl a sandwich. Cripes - she's too damn skinny. Next, her singing voice was annoying. Having the forsight of knowing how much studio magic can be done to alter things, I try to listen past that and that girl ain't got much in the pipes department. She looked absolutely uncomfortable in every dance sequence she had. Some might argue that she was playing her character, Roxie - who has no apparent talent, but I think she was just playing Renee. Plus, her squinty eyes annoy me.
Richard Gere always seems to be the same dude to me in every movie. Time has not been good to him, either. His voice made me want to take a cheese grater to my ears. That's all I have to say.
Queen Latifah can do no wrong in my eyes, but holy crap were her breasts ENORMOUS in this movie. She's so sassy, I just love her.

This movie was tough for me. There was a lot of death in this. Not in the gruesome, violent way - but in the human way. The way we lose loved ones and the pain that lingers around that. Although the situations were different, it was still difficult because of all the death I'm been dealing with lately (my grandfather, my dog). I'm not a Billy Bob Thornton fan, but he was just amazing in this. The character was really complex and sad and he just did an amazing job, I have to give him props.
Halle Berry. Hmm. Good performance? Absolutely. Oscar worthy? Nope.
I can't say I liked this one because I was crying and dealing with my own shit while watching it. I will say it's intense and would recommend it if you're looking for that kind of thing.
I was just watching TV I've decided that I have a bone to pick with Steven Segal. WHY is this man able to keep acting? I mean, he's just awful in every way. The dude cannot act worth crap and I feel uncomfortable looking at him. He's just ODD looking. And for the love of God, cut off that ponytail and stop greasing your hair! Is this dude Asian or not? I can't tell. He's the real ancient chinese secret He looks to me like an big oaf of an Italian guy that wears a lot of asian robes and shit. He just makes me uncomfortable. WHY???? I'm sorry.

I found this very amusing. I didn't actually READ it because I started snoring after the first two sentences. It's all about math - which may as well be hieroglyphics for me. I can picture Wes really enjoying this and taking out his pencil and paper to figure this shit out. The difference is, Wes is weird in that he's this brilliant MIT math guy, but he's also totally hot. The journal dude - I dunno....maybe other math girls find him hot. He probably makes a shitload more money then me, so I should just shut the hell up. But hey, if you've got a math fetish, go check him out.
I'm having the Mr. X thoughts again. Oy. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I've dissected all of these things in my head a gazillion times. In all of the time we were together, he never fought for me. He never asked for me back or asked to forgive him for being a dick. Essentially what that says is "you're not worth shit to me. If you come around again - great, but I can't be bothered to make you feel like you're worth a little sacrifice of pride on my part."
I know you've all got your own analysis' of why I hang on, and I'm sure in part you're right. I've made the decision that I just CANNOT fix this again, and it won't get fixed unless *I* fix it. I've put my heart on the line SO many times for him and he just takes advantage of me over and over and over again. I came to the realization of something he's known all along: that when he retires next year, he's moving and I'll never see him again. I wanted to move with him and to share that part of his life with him, but that was never his intention. I was just the good-time girl. Still, I miss the guy I had good times with. He did love me in the beginning, but I think that just faded for him. This time of year is hard for me. I've already lost two loved ones, and I'm still dealing with a myriad of health issues.
There was a line in Monster's Ball where Hank says to Letisha when they're lying in bed "I'm going to take really good care of you," and she replies with "Good, because I really need to be taken care of right now." Whoa - that did it for me. I need to be taken care of right now too. I just feel like there's so much grieving in my family right now and then having to grieve over a love lost - it just blows. I need someone to take care of me emotionally. I'm tired of having to be strong all by myself. But hell, even when I was with him I had to be strong all by myself.
I don't even know what the hell I'm saying. End point: I'm not with him, nor will I fix it again. I just can't.
I've done 6 loads of laundry today. My dad came over and snowplowed my driveway for me, wasn't that nice? My dad's the best.
Alright. Gotta go - my dad gave me his "Pearl Harbor" DVD and insists I watch it.
The other night, a guy randomly instant messaged me. This happens a lot, and I generally tell most of them to piss off because I'm not interested in their pathetic attempts to get laid. That was this guy's agenda too - but he humored me by having an actual conversation.
We talked a bit about why I don't deal with or meet men from chat rooms or online. I told him that in the past I have, but those experiences taught me what I know. I told him that I had no interest in sexual charity. I am a woman, and I can have sex anytime I feel like it with whoever I choose. Men don't have that luxury - they have to work pretty damn hard for it. The problem is, these AOL predators have no interest in working for it - or getting to know anyone. They just want to get laid as quickly and as desperately as possible. The conversation continued and he told me that I was a snob - and I thought I was too good for everyone. Well, DUH. Hell, yeah. I *AM* too good for you or for any other sleazy dude looking to get laid from their computer keyboard.
He then told me that I was just bitter because I hadn't found my true love. Say WHAT? First thing first: I just broke up with my on-again-off-again boyfriend of three years. I'm not bitter that I'm alone, in fact - I NEED this time alone. Secondly, I don't subscribe to the idea that there's only one, true love for everyone. He told me that my thinking was BULLSHIT and that I was making excuses for my bitterness.
Ok, well I'll be the first to admit that I'm bitter. Hell, if you had been dicked around as much as I have in the past three years - you'd be bitter too, BUT I'm not bitter that I haven't found my one, true love. I'm bitter that the guy I thought was wonderful turned out to be a dick. There's a big difference.
I have several reasons why I'm not sure if I'm on-board with the whole one-person love-of-your life theory. Don't get me wrong, I think there are a few exceptions where people are truly just meant to be together and stay madly in love forever. I think that's swell, I really do - but I just don't think that the other 90% of us fall into that category.

The IM dude said that he did believe in it. He said he only had to look at his parents for an example of that. I asked him if he really, honestly believed in the one-true-love theory for everyone and he adamantly said YES. I then asked him how many people he knew that have either cheated or gotten divorced. No answer. That's what I thought.
Another thing I realized was that I've loved THREE people in my life so far, and I'm only 31. These relationships were all very serious, intimate and intense. J was my first love and I still recall a great fondness when I think about him because he was a wonderful, loving person in a time in my life when I really, really needed someone to love me. N was a New York writer and he was intense for me emotionally and sexually. Mr. X was the last person I loved, and still do. J once said to me that you always love someone you loved. That's true. I still carry a love for all three of them, and I'm glad that all of them were in my life. How would I know which one was my one, true love? Were they all? I can't imagine meeting someone that I had a MORE intense love for. It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me that there's only supposed to be ONE person you love and ONE person who enhances your life. I don't buy it.
I was reading an article somewhere that quoted Dustin Hoffman talking about marriage. I can't recall exactly what he said - but he basically said that marriage was a great institution when people were only living into their 30s and we needed to procreate and keep the human population plugging along. I agree with that to a point. I do believe marriage can work and has a lot of benefits financially and emotionally. BUT, I think that we're all taught (and mostly women) that we should be getting married and spitting out kids in our early 20s. Everyone's getting married before they even discover who they are, before they're secure in their lives, before they LIVE.
I recently found out that I can't have children. Marriage is really the only thing I have to look forward to in my life. I don't want to fuck it up, and I feel like the chance of me doing that is far less now that I've entered my thirties and really have a good grasp on who I am and what my life is supposed to be about.
I loved Mr. X and I probably would have married him had he asked. I would have been ready for it and devoted to him - but only because I'm older now and have a real understanding of who I am and how my life is supposed to be. But do I believe he was my one, true love? I believe he was one of them - not the only one. I believe that fate intervenes if you allow it to and that love comes to you in different ways and different people throughout your life. I don't believe that EVERYONE is supposed to be married and have a soul mate. I'm ok with it if that's not my path. I'll be happy enough to encounter love again.
I just talked to my dad. Maddie died this afternoon at home. My father was with her when she went. She was a really good dog. Our other dog Vicki is very confused and sad right now, but so are we.
My poor dad.
I can't stop crying.
Ok, I switched from Live Journal because art (and I use that term VERY loosely) imitates life: I just can't stay in one place for very long. I get antsy and need change, yo. So here I am. Enjoy the view. All the old stuff can be found here.
So, there's been lots going on that I could catch you up on - but I don't want to bore the piss out of you, so I'll give you the abbreviated version:
MR. X: We were back together, now we're not and it will stay that way for good. I think I've come to a point where my anger and hurt has overcome my love for him - because I just feel....nothing. The thing that sucks is that he never even fought for me - he just let me go.
WORK: Work is good. What I love about it is the people I work with. I feel well-liked there and people enjoy my company and sense of humor. Can't go wrong with that - plus the music. Man, it just doesn't get any better. Now, if only I didn't have to do actual work, I'd be all set. The plan is one more year and then back full-time, full-force, hardcore music.
BAND: Things with the band could NOT be any better. The music sounds great, the gigs have been great, and we've been acting like super-rock stars starring in our new video. The video will be submitted on our behalf by our hopefully-soon-to-be management company for college touring purposes. Hopefully, we'll be touring within the next year or so and having that as our primary income. Yeehaw! Plus, we've got our two new hotties Ben and Wes giving us some sex appeal, yo. We're DOPE! Here's all of us in our new formation:

DAD/DOGS: Bad news. Our dog Maddie has been really sick for a while now. My father absolutely ADORES the dogs (he bakes them COOKIES for fuck's sake!) and this is really difficult for him. He's already put so much money into her health and care and he's delaying the very obvious in hopes that she'll miraculously recover. The saddest thing of all though and that this dog was never, ever a nasty dog. She was the friendliest, most loving dog I had ever encountered and even in her very poor health, she wags her tail just a bit to make US feel good when we see her. It makes me cry even thinking about it. She'll likely be gone by the weekend and my father will be devastated. It's just so sad.
NETFLIX: Now I'm all bummed out (see above). BUT, the highlight of my week so far has been my Netflix membership. For lazy-ass people like myself who can't ever get their ass over to the Blockbuster, this is a DVD miracle. A miracle, I tell ya! SIDENOTE: Speaking of DVD's - I FINALLY bought a DVD player this weekend at Sears for $27.00. Dang, that so rocks the party!
So, how it works is you pay $20 a month for unlimited rentals. They send you three and keep a queue of everything you want to see. When you send them back, they send you three more and so on and so on. The BEST part, though, is that the envelopes are prepaid postage envelopes and you only have to drop them in the mail. They get sent to me at work and then I just throw them in the outbin after I watch them. It fucking rocks! The best $20 a month I've ever spent on my lazy-ass self. AND, I signed up and ordered on Monday afternoon and they were on my desk Tuesday afternoon. Netflix gets my "FUCK-YEAH!" highest rating approval.
Here are my first three movie selections:

I''ll let you know how they are in my next post. That's enough for now. I'm tired and I've got three movies to watch....
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