Ok, I switched from Live Journal because art (and I use that term VERY loosely) imitates life: I just can't stay in one place for very long. I get antsy and need change, yo. So here I am. Enjoy the view. All the old stuff can be found here.
So, there's been lots going on that I could catch you up on - but I don't want to bore the piss out of you, so I'll give you the abbreviated version:
MR. X: We were back together, now we're not and it will stay that way for good. I think I've come to a point where my anger and hurt has overcome my love for him - because I just feel....nothing. The thing that sucks is that he never even fought for me - he just let me go.
WORK: Work is good. What I love about it is the people I work with. I feel well-liked there and people enjoy my company and sense of humor. Can't go wrong with that - plus the music. Man, it just doesn't get any better. Now, if only I didn't have to do actual work, I'd be all set. The plan is one more year and then back full-time, full-force, hardcore music.
BAND: Things with the band could NOT be any better. The music sounds great, the gigs have been great, and we've been acting like super-rock stars starring in our new video. The video will be submitted on our behalf by our hopefully-soon-to-be management company for college touring purposes. Hopefully, we'll be touring within the next year or so and having that as our primary income. Yeehaw! Plus, we've got our two new hotties Ben and Wes giving us some sex appeal, yo. We're DOPE! Here's all of us in our new formation:

DAD/DOGS: Bad news. Our dog Maddie has been really sick for a while now. My father absolutely ADORES the dogs (he bakes them COOKIES for fuck's sake!) and this is really difficult for him. He's already put so much money into her health and care and he's delaying the very obvious in hopes that she'll miraculously recover. The saddest thing of all though and that this dog was never, ever a nasty dog. She was the friendliest, most loving dog I had ever encountered and even in her very poor health, she wags her tail just a bit to make US feel good when we see her. It makes me cry even thinking about it. She'll likely be gone by the weekend and my father will be devastated. It's just so sad.
NETFLIX: Now I'm all bummed out (see above). BUT, the highlight of my week so far has been my Netflix membership. For lazy-ass people like myself who can't ever get their ass over to the Blockbuster, this is a DVD miracle. A miracle, I tell ya! SIDENOTE: Speaking of DVD's - I FINALLY bought a DVD player this weekend at Sears for $27.00. Dang, that so rocks the party!
So, how it works is you pay $20 a month for unlimited rentals. They send you three and keep a queue of everything you want to see. When you send them back, they send you three more and so on and so on. The BEST part, though, is that the envelopes are prepaid postage envelopes and you only have to drop them in the mail. They get sent to me at work and then I just throw them in the outbin after I watch them. It fucking rocks! The best $20 a month I've ever spent on my lazy-ass self. AND, I signed up and ordered on Monday afternoon and they were on my desk Tuesday afternoon. Netflix gets my "FUCK-YEAH!" highest rating approval.
Here are my first three movie selections:

I''ll let you know how they are in my next post. That's enough for now. I'm tired and I've got three movies to watch....
< ? bostonites # >