Wednesday, December 24, 2003

I love the holidays. The lights, the music, the foooood!
This year the holiday has been difficult for me for a number of reasons. I miss my grandfather and knowing that we won't be celebrating with him this year is tough. I also miss Maddie (our dog), because she's always been part of the unwrapping on Christmas - she always got so excited. I'm also sad just because of the finality of Mr. X and me. I know I shouldn't be sad about, but I am. He's never really been part of my life on the holidays, but I always knew that he loved me and was thinking of me before - and now he's doesn't. It's just sad to not have him love me anymore - just makes me feel lonely.
The thing is, I was wallowing in my self-pity about these things until I realized that I have someone who makes the holiday remarkable again for me: Litah. It's truly amazing watching her grow and watching her personality develop. Christmas is so magical for her - and it makes it magical for me too.
We went out the other night and on our way home, she spotted a house that was amazingly lit. We turned around and went down the street to check it out. This house was decked out from top to bottom, from lawn to backyard, and fences and all. She was in AWE of all the lights and just kept saying how beautiful it was. I sat there thinking that whoever did this must be NUTS and it must have taken forever to do - but then I realized they weren't nuts at all. People kept driving by and even getting out of their cars to look at the lights and I realized that whoever put all that work in did it because of the joy that it brought to others. My neice was proof positive of that. She was amazed and happy and it was magical.
I watch her get excited when she sees Santa, I watch her get excited about lights, and I listen to her sing Christmas carols. She talks about making cookies for Santa and making sure they're chocolate chip - because those are his favorites. All the while, she hasn't once talked about the presents, and we had to practically BEG her to tell us what she wanted. For her it's just about the magic, and that makes me remember that there IS magic all around us. For me, it's in a little redheaded girl who tells me she loves me every time we're together.
So, to you and your loved ones, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. May you see the magic all around you.
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