Wednesday, May 04, 2005
My boss is a slavedriver...
Being self-employed is the hardest work I've ever done. Before, I could intersperse my chatting, emailing and websurfing through the day with some actual work since I was on someone else's dime and had some job security. Now, I have to haul ass to make sure anything happens for ME. I'm having to make lists, write every damn thing down, and be ORGANIZED. Being organized is not a strength for me. I'm more of a whirlwind/chaos kind of gal. All the plastic bins, folders, and file drawers in the world won't help me. Anyhow, it's a lot o' work on my plate right now, and my sink is full of 'em. (How's THAT for a lame-ass analogy??)
The winds of change...
Anyone who reads this may already know about the changes in All About Buford. We decided to part ways and go in different directions. It was sad, but it's the best thing for everyone involved and somehow we managed to part ways somewhat amicably, which helps make moving forward a bit easier for us all. I have high hopes for All About Buford and for the new band...which brings me to:

Although I was a bit resistant at first about our new band name, it's starting to grow on me. We had a photo shoot on Sunday and gussied up the new site. I'm really excited about this new project! We're trying to take a streamlined direction with sex appeal and sophisticated music that's heavily influenced by jazz (but not really jazz). Ben and Shah were WORKING IT...and they both looked totally hot. I, on the other hand, looked as though if someone stuck a pin in me, I'd deflate like a balloon. It's always a little shocking to me when pictures prove my mirror to be a complete liar. The pic above is a little cartoon-y, but I think it's cool. We've got a whole spread of new pics on the website, so check it out!
It's a ton of work getting this up and running, but we luckily have the ability to ride on our own coattails and that's working well for us. If you're interested in knowing more about the band, check us out at Vote For Pedro (www.pedroband.com). But do me a favor? Be sure to keep an eye out on All About Buford too. I expect nothing but kick-ass things from both bands. :)
Ain't nothin' but a nomad....
My friend Christopher used to joke that he had about 10 different pages in his address book dedicated just to me because I moved so much. Make it 11, because I'm moving again!
My best friend Suzanne just bought a huge house in Chelmsford, MA and asked me to move in with her. We are both terminally single and I consider her my sister - part of my family. We always joked that we'd be old spinsters living together in old age. I guess we're just starting a little early. I also call her my sugar-momma because there's no way I could get a house this big on my own.
It's a split level ranch, 5 bedrooms and 2 baths. We each have a bedroom and home office, and then we'll have a guest room. There's a kitchen, dining room, living room, laundry room, and even a big "party" room where we'll have a pool table, poker table, TV, and game room. In addition, she has an acre of land in the backyard...so it's HUGE and Julip will love that. I'm pretty lucky, and feel really lucky that she enjoys my company enough to want me as her roommate again. (We were roommates in college!) She's a generous person - always has been - and it will be a lot of fun.
Speaking of Suzanne, she's doing an amazing thing right now: she's training to run a marathon in Dublin to raise money for Cancer research, awareness, and support. She needs to meet her fundraising goal of $5000, so it would be AWESOME if you'd stop by her page and donate a little something. Most of us have been touched by cancer in some way or another, and every dollar counts. You can read more about it on her fundraising page: Team In Training.
The adventures of Fat Girl...
Amy had review a book by Wendy McClure and recommended it to me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book. I didn't know much about Wendy except that she found some extraordinarily funny old Weight Watchers cards and put them up on a website. This woman is hilarious, sarcastic, and real. She started the book out talking about herself as an overweight superhero, and I was hooked. I pre-ordered it on amazon.com based on Amy's review of it, and I just got it a couple days ago and haven't been able to put it down. (Ok, well, amid the tornado that IS my workload these days...I've been reading).

If you've ever dealt with weight issues, or even if you just want to read some really funny shit, you HAVE to get this book. Go! Right now! Purchase!
It makes me want to jump on the fat-girl bandwagon and write a book about my fatness. But maybe not. I'll just keep that to myself and wait for my skin to deflate. Happy reading, and I'll be back soon!
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