Monday, January 31, 2005
Ok, remember how I said I'm going to be more social and get out? Well let me assure you, I'm workin' my social thang. I think I got a total of 8 hours sleep all weekend. If you're interested, a little weekend wrap-up with photos:
Game night with "The Board." These are my hometown pals - grew up with these folks and we're still really close friends. We started out as 6, but as the years have gone by girlfriends, wives and husbands were added and we've become a group of 12. We get together every few months and order take out, drink lots of wine, and play board games. Lucky for me, The Board is also super competitive, so it makes for a really fun, rowdy night.

Look at this crew! I love these guys.

This is Brian, one of my oldest friends. We show our love by dueling.
This day was chock-full of good times! First, my beautiful neice Litah stopped by:

Next, I met up with Ben to go to Wes' house concert. He was in town from, San Francisco to test out some of his new music being slated to go on an album. Ben and I didn't really know anyone, but Wes had us sit in and do a couple tunes with him and the three of us brought down the house.
After that, Ben challenged me to some candlepin bowling - and you know I was bringin' it. We got there and played some pool first while we waited for a lane. The thing I love about Ben is that he's just as obnoxious as me and that makes the game a lot of fun. There was a lot of trash talking, and Ben had a penchant for hitting the white ball clear off the table whenever possible.
We then headed over to the bowling lanes and got started. Right as I rolled my first ball I slipped, started to go into a split and ended up falling flat on my ass. It's important to note that this is the SECOND TIME I have fallen in front of Ben while bowling. Ridiculous! Unfortunately, I fell flat on my tailbone and MY ASS IS KILLING ME! I think I broke it.

After bowling, we headed to Redbones BBQ joint in Davis Square. We split some ribs, had some great berry martinis and then I secured my place in Weight Watchers hell by ordering pecan pie. God, I love me some pecan pie.

Isn't this pic cool? We took this at Redbone's. It's all firy. Like the BBQ.
Following that, we played some Street Fighter and Baseball on Nintendo. At 1:00, I realized "I am too old to be social." I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open, and I had to go home and go to bed. It was fun to go jumping around from place to place, though. I'll just have to rest up for that in the future.
Unfortunately, when I got home I had to create the program for my Sunday concert and was up until 4:00 am. No sleep for me!
Sunday was my Limelight student concert. I have been teaching a 12 week vocal program course at Limelight, and this was their big show. I got there at 2:30 to start individual dress rehearsals and a group rehearsal of "Respect" followed at 5:00. The concert started at 7:00 and went until about 9:30. All of my students did really well and it was amazing to see the difference from day one to today. I was really proud of them, but also patted myself on the back at the end saying, "I gotta tell ya...I'm a damn good teacher because they all sounded great!" Good times.
After the concert, the Limelight peeps and I went out to California Pizza kitchen to grab some food. I really like the folks I work with: they're cool and really funny and it's always lots of laughs when we hang out.
Afterwards, we all decided to run over and catch the 11:00 pm show of Sideways. I was really interested in seeing this because of all the Oscar buzz. I really enjoyed it, but I don't know that I thought it was Oscar-worthy. Paul Giamatti is great in everything I see him in, yet he's always snubbed for Oscars. He's so great at quirky, neurotic and miserable characters. Poor Paul.

So that was a weekend jam-packed with social activities. I'm really proud of myself for coming out of hibernation and being social again. So now I feel like I need to document things as proof of me having a life!
< ? bostonites # >