Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Ok, I have some wacked-out phobias, I admit it: flying, heights, spiders, and mice. MICE. They FREAK-ME-OUT. All small and grey-black and icky and dirty...and lightening fast fuckers.
Today, I'm getting ready for my lessons and a mouse goes flying by. Then another, then a third. I've been hearing scratching in the walls and I think it's safe to say at this point that I have a mouse problem.
So now, I have to call all my students and cancel becuase I'm just not down with having mice run over their feet while they're singing. Besides, it would be pretty bad for them to see their otherwise-cool teach freaking out like a baby. I scream....it's not pretty.
So, I call my students one by one and everyone is really understanding. I even got a great story out of one mom! She said she had the same problem and ended up getting some $40 plug-in sonic thing that rid her of mice. (I'll be headed over to the hardware store in just a couple minutes) She also told me her story about them.
Apparently, she had mice all over the house: in the cupboards, in the walls, under the sink, etc. She said they basically took over the house. She also told me that she had a "nips" collection: little bottles of alcohol she collected from vacation spots around the world and she had over 300 of them. One days, she noticed that the bottles had been CHEWED OPEN! So not only did she have mice...she had BELLIGERENT, DRUNK MICE!!!
I nearly lost it when she told me that. We had a good laugh over that story. Thankfully, my liquor is in glass bottles on a high shelf, or I could come home to a bunch of mice in sombreros singing "Wasting Away in Margaritaville."
Too bad I'm allergic to cats. One of those would come in handy now!!
< ? bostonites # >