Sunday, January 09, 2005
That's right kids....speeding in Maine can land you in jail. Or at least that's what the officer who pulled me over screamed at me.
Ok, granted, I *was* speeding. I do that a lot and I'm not arguing that I was driving poorly- but this guy was FIERCE. Threatening to throw me in jail while Amy and Ben looked on helplessly. He barked, "In Maine you can get thrown into jail for speeding...do you want to spend tonight in jail!?!?" I SO desperately wanted to be a wise-ass and say, "hmm...yeah! I've never been in jail before!" ...but considering I couldn't find my registration, I figured it was best to not provoke him. He gave me a ticket for $180. Serves me right, but honestly I don't have an extra $180 right now. I would have preferred to spend the night in jail. At least I would have had some street cred.
We were driving home from a full weekend in Maine. We drove up on Thursday night and stayed in some random guys condo (which was definitely cool of him). Friday morning, we woke up early to immediately go to a radio station to do live on-air publicity. (Note to self: early morning = suckass singing) Right after that we drove to the next radio interview for Maine Public Radio. Although not a long interview, I think it was pretty effective and very cool. You can check it out here:
Maine Public Radio
Just got to the bottom of the page and click on Friday, 1/7/05. It's the entire program, so you can just fast-forward to 17:04 and you'll hear us!
After that, we drove to Maine's NBC studio and did a live on-air performance for the television program 207. The host, Kathleen Shannon was very cool and really liked our music.
Prior to going on camera, Amy and I both asked if they would tape our feet because we both had gigantic boots on that did not match our rock-star outfits. Mine in particular were pretty obnoxious. They looked sort of like these, only with an obnoxious yellow/blue paisley & floral pattern (use your imagination, kids!):

In the middle of our first song, Ben turned to me with a smirk while he was singing and then I looked at the camera: big, ugly-ass pink boots for everyone to see. Lovely.
Our next stop was a tiny (and obscenely overpriced) theatre in Falmouth, ME to see the new movie White Noise.

I LOVE Michael Keaton, so that alone was my reason for going. It was a little shocking to see him. It's been so long since he's been in a major movie, he looked very aged. Anyhow, I thought the movie was stoopid. I disliked it very much, even more so the next day after I had time to mull it over. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I'll leave my (lame-ass) review of it out.
Saturday was the actual performance and despite the ass-kicking snow storm that set in a few hours before we had to go on, there was a fairly decent turnout. I thought the show went very well and I had a really great time performing. We're on a new somewhat-reduced performance schedule and I think the break was welcome by most and has had a good affect overall. It has on me, anyhow. It's almost renewed my committment to the band and made me realize what a good thing we have.
So, despite my $180 ticket for being an idiot and poor driver, my weekend was quite successful and I had a great time. Up next: Friday's poker game at my house. Stories, photos, fun.
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