Monday, November 01, 2004
That's right, I hate em. I hate the way they taste, look and feel. You know what I hate even more than sausages themselves? When my FEET look like sausages. Unfortunately, I am in a state of sausage-itis right now:

Try to remember that I'm in a lot of pain before poking fun at my ugly-ass feet. And yes, I'm well aware that I need to take that four-month old nail polish off now. Socks will make you lazy like that.
So today I walked into a chair and broke my second toe. Can't do a damn thing about broken toes either...except limp around and not put a shoe on. How do I know it's broken? Because I felt that shit crack in half when I whacked it, AND becuase it's black and the size of a sausage.
What's disturbing is that I have been falling a LOT lately. Just last week, I fell in downtown Boston. It wasn't a little trip, it was an all-out Olympic Gold Medal crash into the ground. I tripped over absolutely nothing, and then after trying to NOT fall, I fell into a mini-van, bounced off of that, tripped about 5 more feet and fell smack down on my face. And yes, people saw.
What the HELL is wrong with me? Another example: I wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and there's ANOTHER bruise. I swear to you, it looks like I am the product of some sort of abuse, only I live alone. These are GIGANTIC bruises on my hips, stomach, chest, etc. I know that I sleepwalk, but damn! Just know that no one is being bad to me, I apparently just beat myself up in my sleep. Nothing to worry about....until I wake with a black eye, I suppose.
In better news, I met two of my favorite people in the world this week: Tuck and Patti. They are a husband and wife guitar/vocal jazz duo and in addition to being INCREDIBLE musicians, they're also two of the kindest, most generous souls on the planet. Inspiring in so many ways: musically AND spiritually.
Right after I graduated from college, I got their newest album: Learning How To Fly. I loved that album SO much that I wrote them a letter (hand-written, even!) and told them how I inspired I was by their music and they way they lived their lives. About a month later, I came home from work to hear a message on my answering machine from the both of them thanking me for my letter and wishing me the best in my music career. I thought that was so amazing of them - and I still have the answering machine tape to this day.
Fast forward to a couple Saturdays ago. They were playing live at Sculler's Jazz Club and so my brother and I went to catch the show. (Special thanks to my bro who bought the tix as a gift to me!) After the show, I found them and told them the story and they both were incredibly kind and so friendly and fun to be around. I got a picture with them both:

I love that she has her head on my shoulder! The picture may not tell you accurately, but she's also STUNNINGLY beautiful. The both of them are two of the most beautiful people I've ever met - inside and out. I'm so thankful to have met them and told them how much their call meant to me. I know most people don't even know who they are, but I was *starstruck* meeting them, because I've been a fan for a very long time.
Ok, I must go and nurse my poor toe now. More to come soon!
< ? bostonites # >