Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Anyone who knows me well will tell you without any hesitation that I am competitive. I am brutally competitive. Most people don't like to play games with me for that reason. I have a few friends who are equally as competitive, but I've found no one to match my desire to compete for anything and everything until I found Ben. This kid rawks.
He and I will be compete over anything we can. Poker? Bring it. Arm wrestling? Showdown. Thumb wrestling? You know it. I like to put money wagers on things, and have recently turned him on to the dark side: he know will wager money.
We now have a 5 game Scrabble series going on. Let me state for the record that the only thing that I can actually beat Ben at is poker. However, *I* taught him to play, so this winning streak will likely not last long. Scrabble, on the other hand, he almost ALWAYS beats me at. BUT, I am a worthy opponent and I'm so dead-set on winning, that I bet $25 on the best of 5 games.
The first game, I actually won - but somehow is not being counted as part of the series because we decided to go by accumulated scores last night. Take a look at our first official game (you'll have to scroll down a bit):

Dude got 3 bingos and one on a triple word score. I may as well pay him his $25 right now. Keeeerap. I'll still play the other 4 games, though, because I'm a glutton for punishment and I at least want to lose with some pride.
Friggin Ben. There's not a damn thing the kid can't do. Hmprf. DO notice that his name is IEATBABEEZ. That's right: fair warning to not leave your children alone with him or he will make a nice baby stew with your child.
The only thing that makes me feel better about this is the $25 I won from Amy the other night. She bet me that I couldn't stay awake the entire way home from NY in the car. In her favor, I have NEVER not slept in the car....but what she didn't realize was that when tempted with the Benjamins, there's no CHANCE I would sleep. I feel kind of bad about it though. A more fair wager would be for me to drive the entire way without either running into the sidewalk, going through the EZ Pass lane or just plain driving ass-y. I should give her a chance to win her money back, yo.
Nah. I gotta pay Ben.
I need help. Seriously.
< ? bostonites # >