Tuesday, September 21, 2004
You down with G.O.D? Yeah, you know me!
Tonight I noticed that I could smell autumn in the air and that summer is officially gone. I love the smell of fall, there's a sweet smell and the air is cool in the evening. It's really my favorite season. Except, of course, when I get my first autumn cold...which inevitably always happens.
Yep, I woke up on Sunday with a sore throat and hacking cough which led to a full-blown head cold on Monday. It was like a Category 5 Hurricane of a cold in my head and I seriously thought I might have to be resuscitated at some point. Today I woke up and felt about 60% better (afer taking nearly a box of cold medication), although I think I may have officially blown my nose off my face.
Unrelated, the weekend was good and bad. We had a gig on Saturday night that was a fundraiser for music education in the schools. The day didn't start out so great: we were scheduled for a 3:10 sound check and they had mechanical problems with the system. We didn't actually check until about 6:00, so that was a lot of long-ass waiting around.
The show itself went really well. The crowd liked us a lot and were a lot of fun. The other acts were great and one act, Five O'Clock Shadow actually came out of "retirement" for the show. There were about 400 people in the audience, and I was loving it. That's my kind of show: a big audience full of adoring peeps.
After the show, I had drinks with a fellow who I'm crushing on pretty hard. I am not sure if he's interested or not, but I sent him an email to let him know that I dig him. No word yet, which is probably not great news. In any case, it was nice to get to know him and to go out and have a good time with someone who's really nice and interesting.
Sunday was not as great. We had a gig and Shah and I were late due to me being sick and traffic. We called and told them we were on our way. Our scheduled performance was 12:30 and at 12:25, we had them on the phone saying we'd be right there. The gal in charge decided to cancel us anyhow. We were pretty pissed off about that, and I let her know just how pissed off I was. In the end everything worked out, but still, it was shitty to be cancelled.
We were part of an outdoor fair/festival-type thing and since we weren't performing, we grabbed a bite to eat. As we were sitting down, we heard a guy with an Irish accent telling stories and singing who I dubbed the "scary-ass leprechaun":

I was like, there's no WAY I'd leave my kid there. They'd have nightmares for weeks! He was probably playing his ukele and passing some sort of gamma rays through his eyeballs to brainwash those kids. That was some scary shit, I tell ya.
Speaking of scary shit...
I was flipping through the channels tonight and landed on the local TV channel where they had one of the preachers from the local churches on. Now, I like my preachers to be either really imposing or really charming and effervescent. This dude was neither. He looked like he got beat up a lot in high school and he was definitely part of the chess team. His preaching was whiney and BORING. Picture this little bald dude with glasses too big for his face. He looked like a character out of Bugs Bunny. Just not nearly as entertaining.
I caught it midway through, but he was saying "Now, you could could go to a church that has a lot of fun stuff, but I don't go to church for fun. I go to church to be preached to, and to learn Jesus' word." Say WHAT? So, church shouldn't be fun? That's probably why I stopped going. Now, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure God's got a sense of humor. I mean, he wouldn't have let scales, karaoke or George W. Bush happen if he didn't. I'm pretty sure God's down with some happy fun time in his house.

The next thing he said was, "Let's face it, we should all be burning in hell right now." Oh COME ON! I don't know what God these people are praying to, but mine's not a vindictive, no-sense-of-humor, scary dude up in the sky. And besides that, who is HE (the preacher dude) to judge whether or not we should all be burning in hell? Judge your own actions dude, don't blanket us all in there too. Nobody is going to be burning in hell. Except maybe the scary leprechaun for wearing those obnoxious orange overalls, cuz that ain't right.
When are the religious scare-tractics going to end? It's just ridiculous that so many people are brainwashed into believing everything they're told without actually putting some actual thought into it. I question everything, and I don't think God made us naturally inquisitive for nothing. I think it's ok to question, because then when you make a conscious choice it means something real.
I struggle with religion a lot. I believe in a higher existence, but I also believe it's something that we can't possible explain or understand. I don't believe in a big dude in the sky with a white palace. I think it's far more complex that that. I once told my grandmother that I just wished I could know for sure. Her reply? "You can't know for sure, that's why it's called faith." So that's what I have: faith. Faith that something more exists after death, even though I don't know what that is.
Wow...I just got all preachy! Well, at least at my church there'd be some kick-ass gospel music. You down with G.O.D? Yeah, you know me!
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