Tuesday, August 03, 2004
I take back my BOOOO to the DNC. I love the DNC. I want those Democrats to back every year. Now, I realize that they don't have a convention year, but I think that they could rack their brains and come up with some excuse to get together and shut the entire city down.
I have never enjoyed Boston or driving in and out of it so much. There were hardly any people around on the streets, in the stores, or in the restaraunts. It was like the whole place was there for my taking! I went to my favorite Ethiopian restaraunt, Addis Red Sea, and there were two people in there, whereas normally it's packed. The hostess and I had a long conversation about how it was bad for business. Was it wrong for me to stand there thinking, "yes, but that's more Ethiopian food for MEEEEEEEEE"?
When I drove out of the city on Wednesday night, Storrow AND 93 were open, so I took them home and got home in record time of 20 MINUTES. I love the Democrats. Yeah DNC!
As part of the DNC, Ted Kennedy held a gala here at the hall. Boy, Teddy is not the greatest televised speaker, and as we all learned he can't sing worth shit, but Ted is my new best friend because I got to meet:

Yep, that's right kids....it's BONO from U2, my new best friend.
Bono was there as part of the performance and he was one of the most friendly, gracious people I've ever met. SO nice. I love him because he is SO passionate about causes that move him and he knows that his fame only helps to bring those causes to light. He was the commencement speaker at U of Penn and I loved his speech - it was passionate and moving and really brought to light many of the plights of Africa right now. Anyone with passion for something moves me, but someone with passion who works towards a solution is someone to look up to in my book.
Unfortunately, I missed two of the speeches I really wanted to hear from Al Sharpton and Barack Obama. In case any of you missed any of the speeches as well, there are transcripts from all of them here on the NY Times website. I'm about to go read what I missed and I suggest you do the same.
I did, however, hear John Kerry's speech. During the primaries, Kerry was not my pick. I've heard all of the spin from the right, and some of it made me question Kerry - which I believe is important (to question, rather than blindly follow). Before the DNC speech, what it came down to for me was a choice between a lying conservative who we have in office now, or someone who would bring change to our government. It was easy that my choice had to be Kerry, but I wasn't entirely won over by him...yet.
After listening to his speech, I was blown away. I thought it was incredibly powerful and direct and he address everything that I wanted him to from White House staff to the privatization of social security to stem cell research . The one topic I had wished he'd be more direct about was gay marriage, but he made it clear where he stands even though he hadn't said it directly.
What I find extremely encouraging is the amount of people working to get people to vote. Puff Daddy created a program to inform urban youth about voting and making their voices heard. I'm glad that everyone is working to show the importance of younger generations in creating a stronger tomorrow.
Are you registered? If not, GO. You can do it online. It's easy, you can go to any of these sites:
I know I sound like a public service announcement, but it's so important for all of us to register and to vote. Are you unhappy with Bush? Then DO something. Rock the vote, yo!
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