Wednesday, March 10, 2004
For a little over a week now, I have been in a major depression. This happens every now and then where I am just so sad that I feel like my personality has been completely sucked out of me, leaving me lifeless except for the tears that are constantly welling up in my eyes. Worse, I keep stuffing my face full of really shitty food that I KNOW I shouldn't be eating. The carbs just add to the awful feeling - they make me feel sick and weighed down and bloated on top of being sad and weepy.
I think the reality of me having to see a therapist is unavoidable. I've resisted for a while for reasons that probably wouldn't make any sense to anyone - because I am truly a big advocate of therapy and/or counseling. But every time I fall into this depression, it last longer. It used to be a day or two, and now it's turning into a week or two at a time. That's no good. I don't like being or feeling this way, and I need to find a solution. I'm pulling out of it today, but I realize that this is not mentally healthy.
Recently, I bought a guitar. I had put it off for a while because people had told me I'd have to spend a pretty decent amount of money in order to get a decent guitar. While that's probably true, I've been feeling really frustrated because I want SO badly to learn and don't have any extra money for a good guitar right now. So, I went ahead and bought a reasonably priced beginner guitar so I could at least get started. I feel like this will be therapeutic for me in many ways. I'm pretty limited songwriting-wise because while I can play the piano, I'm not a very rhythmic player and that impedes the writing process. I have a lot of ideas that I just can't seem to get across because I don't have the tools to do that. The guitar is a very rhythmic instrument, and I'm hoping that it will help me in the creative process. That, and the fact that I'll be learning something new and practicing again will be good for me.
In Fat Albert news, I do have a few low-carb tasty products that I'd like to highly recommend:
Russell Stover LOW CARB Chocolate Sauce - 18oz Glass Jar
Breyers CarbSmart Chocolate Ice Cream

There are only two things that I miss very, very much when doing the low-carb hang: pizza and ice cream. Both are like crack to me....I love them so much! When I found these two products above, I bought both with hesitation. I've tried a lot of low-carb products and haven't found a lot of winners - but these two rocked my world!
The chocolate sauce takes about 20-25 seconds to warm up in the microwave and the ice cream is smooth and creamy (Breyer's is my favorite brand, and this lives up to the standards to which I've grown accustomed in ice cream). Topped with some nuts (how appropriate considering the week I've had), I had myself a fancy low-carb sundae. The only thing missing was the whipped cream, which I didn't have at the time.
So, keeping with tradition, I award these two products 5 ALBERTS!

Please note: there is no 5 albert graphic! Until today, there hasn't been a need for one, but both Amy and I had 5 Alberty goodness things!
Ah geez. Now I want a Sundae. I gotta go.
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