Tuesday, March 30, 2004

First of all, what's up with my last journal entry?? Spelling errors, grammatical errors, and just plain stupid stuff in there. I must have been on crack that day. Anyhow...

Can I just tell you that this weekend rock'd the party?!? Friday night we were playing at the Sanctuary Concerts in Berkeley Heights, NJ - opening for the Bobs. They're a pretty well-known and established group and have a big following. We got up there and rocked out - but it was a weird place and weird audience and couldn't really tell how we went over until the end of the show when there was non-stop applause for us.

At the intermission, we went to our merchandise table and set up our stuff only to be bombarded with people buying our stuff and asking for autographs! We were all rock star, yo...and we sold a TON of stuff. Not only that, but the accounting guy brought over our check and told me that they paid us MORE than we were contracted for because we were so good. Right ON!

Saturday night was even better. We played at a kick-ass venue in NJ called The Point opening for our favorites: Groovelily. (Note: if you haven't heard Groovelily, you MUST. Go. Go now! GO to their website and buy their CD. You will love them. I promise!)

Val, Gene, and Brendan of Groovelily - they're so rockin!

The energy in that room was AMAZING and they LOVED us. So responsive and fun, and just a great time. Despite there being an ungodly alarm going off during all of "My Funny Valentine," it went well. In fact, the alarm only helped us because we were so cool and got through the tune with some humor. We also sold a ton MORE merchandise at that gig. Ben was perched up on a stool and it looked like a "meet and greet with Ben!" display. The chicks dig Ben though, so I'm all for some perching.

Saturday night we went out to a bar for some COLLEGE DRINKS and hit the jackpot: they had karaoke!! WHOO HOO! We ordered up some spirits and got busy on the mic, yo. Shah sang "Bye Bye Bye" from N'sync, I sang "Enough is Enough" from Donna Summer and Babs and then Ben sang some weird country song called "She thinks my tractor's sexy!" Again, the girls were loving him and he was hilarious. Damn him - always stealing the thunder!

Sunday we went and did a pre-recorded radio interview in NJ with our friend Ron Olesko. Ron is one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He LOVES us, and he's always happy to give us some promo on his station. We actually did a promo spot for him that's a rap over the bassline from that song "Rapper's Delight (I said, a-hip, hop hip to the hippity hip hop)", with Amy singing "Traditions" from Fiddler over it. Then I wrote this little rap ditty over it:

We're hangin' with Ron and he's the mac-daddy
In the folk world he's an all-beef patty
Laying out the tunes and spinning out the fun
To All About Buford my man is # 1 !

dramatically: Roooooooooonnnn Oleskooooooo

89.1 WORD!

HA! That still cracks me up. All-beef patty. Man, I kill me!

One other thing I should point out is that I drove this weekend. Now, realize that I use the word "drove" very loosely. I'm sure Amy will elaborate more in her journal entry. Let's just suffice it to say that I'm a poor driver.

Ok, that's it for today. Watch this week for some Paris Hilton bashing on my journal. I have a few choice words about that skank, but I'll save that for another day. Adios pantalones!

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