Wednesday, February 18, 2004
So today was is/was my birthday. Now don't go feeling bad that you didn't say anything, it's not like you knew. It's my Sweet 16 X 2. I'm 32 today.
The thing about it is, I was feeling very Molly Ringwald today because it seemed like nobody remembered for the first half of the day. Let me give you a few examples:
I live next door to my parents. As I was outside and getting into the car I am now driving (Suzanne's - thanks to her training out in Cali. Yeehaw!), my dad drove by. He slowed and stopped to look at the car, but never rolled down the window or even mouthed the words Happy Birthday.
I got to work and I soon realized that I had to be my own PR person. No one remembered it was my birthday at first. In fact, my friend Andrew suggested I hang up the traditional Hello Kitty Happy Birthday banner at my desk - so he and I did that. I hung up my own fucking birthday decorations!
So I waited until noon, but I never got a call from either of my sisters or my brother OR an email with birthday wishes. Nada. I also kept checking the message board on the band website - where we have traditionally had birthday wishes posted and I had a whole lotta nothing.
The thing is, I always think birthdays are really special fun days. When I was a kid, my birthday always fell on a school vacation, so I didn't have to go to school and just played and had fun. I've always loved celebrating birthdays, and generally go out of my way to make sure I give people their props on their day. I was just sad because I felt forgotten - very Molly, yo.

Luckily, my friends Mary, Amy, and Jen/Yen, and Thompson sent me some cute online cards which made me happy. Later in the afternoon, my boss brought me a cute plant, and the girls in the HR department got me a card. The BEST gift, though, was a poem from Amy:
So take a rest
and read this rhyme -
its the best!
When you were born
on this day
some heard the
doctors and nurses say:
"This kid is bound for greater things
Just check out the hair and the big hoop 'rings"
You screamed a scream
and belted a sound
that could be heard
for miles around
"I want to sing like Ella and Aretha.
I'm Taunia (remember the name)
and pleased to meet ya"
So that's how it goes,
and that is the tale
Let it be known:
this girl can wail!
HA! That just cracked me up. She also sent me a hilarious picture of myself which she doctored up with Photoshop.
Later in the evening, my Mom and Dad brought me some really beautiful flowers and two cards with a nice check in it - which is the most useful birthday gift they could have gotten me, really, as the bills need to be paid!
Overall, it was just sort of a surreal day...but ended nicely and with reassurance that I was not forgotten. I can't help still feel a little Molly, though!
< ? bostonites # >