So, how are those freezing temps going for ya? For anyone not in the Boston area, it's been like -20 degrees below freezing for the past week. When you talk, the words form in front of your face in giant ice letters. No shit. I swear. I've been sleeping with a space heater about two inches from my face every night because I sleep in the coldest bedroom in all of America.
I thought I'd recap my weekend for ya basically because I've got nothing better to write about. So here goes:
Thursday night, we had a split gig at Ryles with Ball In The House. This was a real last minute thing, and none of us were really looking forward to it because the sound at Ryles BLOWS. In addition to that, we knew the majority of the crowd were young girls there to see their favorite boy band and had little to no interest in a band with chicks. (This, of course, does not include Ariana and her gang - the coolest group of folks EVER. So supportive, they sing along, great kids. God bless em!)

Me workin' it with a BITH member. I really wanted to just bop him over the head for holding up our sound check.
We were told by BITH that our sound check was at 6:00. At 6:45, 15 minutes before the doors opened, BITH were finally done with theirs and we were able to do the world's fastest check. I was totally annoyed by this because they were REALLY unprofessional. None of them seemed to have a clue on how to run their own system, and then they'd SCREAM the most annoying vocal riffs into the mics CONSTANTLY. I cannot even put into words how incredibly annoying it was to 1) listen to that vocal crap 2) have our check 45 mins late and 3) be made to feel like our sound check didn't mean squat. The more annoying thing is that indiviudally, I like them all as people - but their unprofessional behavior made me harbor bad feelings towards them. Gah.
We got up onstage and it was like a big, black hole sucked every ounce of energy from us and from the entire room. I felt like I was trying to move in mud and everything was moving in slow motion. Of course, I've been sick with a cold (courtesy of the Christmas flu I had), so that could have been part of it.
Anyhow, Mr. X came to see the show. He and I have an understanding about our relationship now and it is what it is. Basically, that means we see each other, but should the man of my dreams come along - I am free to go out with him. I personally wish he were the man of my dreams, but he'll never be comfortable with that and I'll say it again: it is what it is.
Friday I met up with two old friends for dinner. I hadn't seen these gals in a LONG time, and I just had such a great time with them. Really genuine people. My friend B just got engaged and had the most gigantic rock I have EVER seen on her hand. I'm happy for her. She actually met him through the online personals - so that gave me hope for the dating future of me and my other single female friends. It's always nice to see old friends and have that instant reminder of why you were friends in the first place. Things just seem comfortable and fun, and you know they're good people to have in your life.
Saturday night I went to Shah's holiday party with him. He was SO excited about it! Shah is like a little kid waiting for Christmas when he looks forward to something. He gets all antsy and you can see him physically shaking with anticipation. He wanted me to go so we could swing dance and be hep cats at the party. Well, after all of that anticipation, the DJ sucked, there was barely any dancing and every person at the party was glued to the TV set playing the Patriots game. Lame-O. I had a nice time, though. I just felt bad for Shah.
Sunday we had rehearsal for most of the day. We're pushing ourselves to learn and write new stuff - which makes me happy. I get bored pretty easily and have tried being patient with the material we have now, but it's left me feeling uneasy. Our rehearsal schedule (1 afteroon a week) really impedes our learning process - especially since we have a lot of gigs on the weekends. I'm just happy we're learning new stuff.
So, that's it. That's all I've got for ya. I probably shouldn't have even bothered writing...but I had a few minutes to kill and there you have it.
Stay toasty!
< ? bostonites # >