Monday, July 26, 2004
Yeah to Democrats and BOOOO to the DNC
Rewind to last night: 11:30 pm stopping at CVS to pick up my blood pressure medication so my heart and/or head don't explode. Back in the car. Stop to get some water because I realize I'm thirsty. Drive onto Rt. 93 where it looks like the Las Vegas strip: giant floodlights, a gazillion signs telling people where to go (I'm considering putting up my own sign telling people where to go) and road markers, relfectors, and about 100 state troopers. All told, it was relatively easy getting into Boston and I arrived there at 12:30 am.
I'm staying with a friend in Boston until Wednesday night because I just don't want to deal with the traffic going back and forth to my home. I generally don't like staying anywhere other than home because it's always a search for my stuff in the morning, I always forget something and I generally just feel like I've started my day out of place. I am appreciative that I'm able to stay in town, though.
So Kerry, Kenny, Carter and Clinton (ok, and Edwards...I was just on a roll with the K sounds) are all in town and there's a general tension in the air. All of the police and secret service and notices that there's a "credible threat" to Boston from Al Qaida just makes it creepy. Everyone's a little jiggity and on edge. Just as I got into Boston, the ballgame let out and as I was walking down the street with my bag filled with stuff, I got a lot of looks at the bag. I think people are just wigged out and have their eye on everyone else. I was ready to fling my skivvies out to prove I wasn't carrying anything scary. (Although the skivvies could probably fall under that category) What was more scary was how the entire street smelled like rank beer. And that odor was coming out of the people from the ballgame. Yuck.
Fast forward to today: I've never seen Boston so empty. There's hardly any cars on the road and not a lot of people walking around. It's like everyone just up and left. In fact, they probably did. Everyone got into work on time and apparently, there were no traffic hassles at all. But that was this morning. After 4:00 they shut EVERYWHERE down and I can guarantee it's going to SUCK trying to get out of Boston. Yeah for friends!
Kennedy has a big concert here at the hall tomorrow night and that's got everyone scrambling. The secret service are making bigs demands, of course, and I feel SO bad for the crew here. They're going to have a very long day tomorrow, and I'm sure it will be hectic and stressful.
People are running around today hooking things up, decorating, there's about a million vacuum cleaners running right now, floors being mopped.
I'm going to eat out for the next few days at my favorite restaurants (staying clear of the North End and the Fleet Center area): Addis Red Sea (Ethiopian), Kaya (Korean), California Pizza Kitchen (self-explanatory) and maybe the S&S deli in Cambridge. I need to find a good Indian food place because if I don't have some naan soon, I just may go insane.
So that's my first DNC update. Chock full of political goodness, no? Ok, ok....I'm just laying out the land for you. It really is kind of creepy around here. Like a ghost town....
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
What do you do when you find out that someone very close to you, who you love and trust, has spoken of you in a hurtful, degrading way?
People can call me an asshole, and people can call me obnoxious and I'd be ok with that because sometimes I can be. These are behaviors that we all exhibit at some point or another and they're easily changeable. There are some things that you just don't say about someone you care about, and if you do you should be prepared to face the consequences should they come to realize how you truly feel.
For me, I'm done. It just broke my heart and I'm done.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Sometimes I talk more than I mean to.
First off, I'm getting sick and I caught it from Shah. He will promptly receive and ass-kicking for this.
I took this personality test thing that's supposed to show you how other people see you. I actually think it's pretty accurate, but that's just how I see myself. I'll post if for you below, and the comments in bold are my reactions. Feel free to tell me how much I suck if you happen to disagree. La-di-dah.
Your Qualities :
*Warm and caring
*Focus on the possibilities in life
You're adored, and for good reason.
You bring real passion to life. You're a woman of great integrity who'll stand up and fight for causes she believes in. You have a vision for how to live the "good life" so you refuse to settle long-term for a boring job or doing something just because it's expected of you. Life should be "balanced" with plenty of time for fun, spontaneity, fashion (check out my super-hot black patent mules I've got on today), and romance (cue: tumblesweeds)! You have lots of friends and really appreciate the people in your life. You put the ones you love ahead of everything else. In fact, sometimes you can put them ahead of your own needs. You're overdue to bring real romance into your life and ready to experience a powerful "spark" with someone special.
Quirks people will notice:
Like all women, you have your strengths as well as your quirks and shortcomings. Ultimately, you want to find someone who will love and accept you "warts and all." (Uh, this infers that I am not perfect. I disagree.) Though you have lots of friends, it's important to have at least one person in your life who understands.
Because you're a big-hearted woman (hell, I'm a big-everything woman), at times you can be swayed too much by emotions and a desire to keep your friends and family happy. Preferring to keep your options and plans open can hurt you at times when you need to commit to something (or someone!) that can't be put off indefinitely. At times you can get so caught up in a conversation that you talk more (and louder) than most people.(Yikes, this is probably true. I am an attention hog sometimes. Well, I'm also partially deaf in my left ear which doesn't help with the volume control, but apologies to everyone for being a spotlight hog occasionally.)
You may notice that because you're sensitive to how others feel, you can get hurt by the carelessness of others. (This is true, I talk a good game, but really I am a softy and take too many things to heart.) You really enjoy conversation and sometimes talk more than you mean to.
Monday, July 12, 2004
Now that I'm working out of my home, I spend a lot more time there and notice the neighborhood a lot more. My next door neighbors are really cool and they have like 100 kids so their yard looks a bit like Sanford & Son over there. The kids are nice though, and so are the parents who are just slightly older than me. The only problem I've encountered with my neighborhood is my neighbor across the street. He's weird and not easy to talk to. He's also shirtless almost every time he's outside, and it's not naked in a Justin-Timberlake-hotness kind of way: it's naked in a good-God-put-your-shirt-on kind of way.
And being the super-voyeur that I am, I put my digital camera between the venetian blinds and took this photo to illustrate my point:

Now, I've got students coming over to the house every half hour. This is really bad for business. I mean, it's not like it's even SUNNY out and he's trying to work on his tan. He's just naked for no good reason.
Speaking of naked, I've noticed lately that I'm bruised all over my hips and upper thighs. I'm not really sure what's happening there. I mean, if I was getting some action, it would be understandable. If I was walking into shit or banging into things, then the mystery would be solved. But these are just appearing out of nowhere. Unless there's some sleepwalking going on, I have NO idea where they're coming from. That is possible, though, because I talk in my sleep and also have weird wacky dreams that wake me up and visually still happen once my eyes are open. (Does that make any sense? I mean the dream keeps happening even though I'm awake - my brain takes a second to catch up to my eyes.) So, it's plausible that I'm just beating the shit out of myself in my sleep. Ahhh. That's a pleasant thought, no? I just want these ugly bruises to go away.
This weekend I went to a party at Ben's house. Ben and I get along really well and I have a tremendous amount of affection for him. I really like him because he's incredibly intelligent and talented, but he's also a big goofball and we have a similar sense of humor...not to mention he's got the hotness factor! (Ben, you did not just read that). He's also competitive and so am I, so we'll battle it out in Scrabble, cards, whatever. Amy and Shah aren't really competitive like that, so I'm glad he's around even though he almost always kicks my ass in whatever competition we have. Some day I will be victorious though....
Anyhow, back to the party. Ben has lots of very pretty, very young friends. They were all extremely nice and we were all coveting a lamp in his living room. He's got all this really cool retro furniture that was given to him, and he probably doesn't even know how cool and hip a lot of the stuff he has is. Anyhow, I'm going to swipe that lamp one day when he's not looking.
I also watched three movies this weekend (yea, Netflix!):

First, I love, love, love Queen Latifah. I want her to be my friend. This movie was cute - not great, but cute. There's just something about her that I really love. I think it's that you can just sense that she has a lot of pride in herself, she's really talented and funny, and she's just GORGEOUS. I also like that she's breaking stereotypes. She's a big woman and she's hot. I love her for that.
I was really looking forward to seeing Monster. This was slow at times for me, but overall I thought both Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci were amazing in this. Beyond the whole physical transformation thing, I thought they both were so engaging and really created believable characters. The story itself was so sad and you do end up having sympathy for her because she lived hard. I'd recommend seeing this because the Oscar she got was well-deserved.
The Station Agent was one that Amy recommended. I loved, loved, loved this. It's a story about a man who's a dwarf and he's into trains. A friend of his dies and leaves his land and a train depot which becomes his home. It's more a story about relationships and connections with people and it was just beautiful. One of the characters (Joe) is absolutely hysterical and he's my favorite part of the movie. The movie/story was just so different and the characters were wonderful. Definitely see this one.
And that folks is why I do not review movies - because I suck at it!
Ok, I've been in the office since 7 am and I haven't done squat. I need to go. I can't just hit here and type for you all day. A girl's gotta scratch out a dollar!
As my sister Megan used to say 10 years ago, peace out, yo.
< ? bostonites # >